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Audio Format Guide - Other Formats

Here is a list the formats we accept for source recording, along with an image (images not to scale) and description of each. Click on the name of the format to be taken to the ordering page. Still not sure what format you have? Contact us

Audio  - Other Formats

Wire Recording Wire Recordings - A spool of thin wire that is recorded magnetically. Used in home wire recorders and players. Many wedding (and other church) services were recorded on wires, as well as family gatherings, music and radio shows. There were several formats of wire recordings. Please be advised that we only accept wires compatible with the "Webster Chicago" system (approx. 2.25 inch hub diameter and 2.75 inch outside diameter).
If the spool has these dimensions, the wire is compatible regardless of the brand name printed on the reel. Please do not submit wires that are encapsulated in a shell or have spools of other dimensions. Also, the wire must be in good condition: must have one clear beginning and must have been spooled by a machine (wires with no clear beginning or wires that were spooled by hand can not be played back).

MiniDisc MiniDisc - It looks like a small CD, encapsulated in a cartridge. Cartridge size: 68mm x 72mm x 5mm. Audio is recorded digitally. MiniDiscs were recorded and played back by portable equipment (personal recorder or walkman-style) or by stationary equipment (home stereo, professional equipment).