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VCD Transfer to DVD

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Price: $19.95
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Spend $2,750.00-$5,499.99, save 20%
Spend $5,500.00 and up, save 22%


We accept VCDs (Video CDs) in PAL (used in Europe and much of the world) and NTSC (used in North America and Japan) formats.
The video and audio quality of the DVD transfer is identical to the video source supplied: if the video source looks great, the DVD will also look great.

VCD (Video CD) Transfers to DVD:

  • DVD Transfer Type
    • Simple Graphics transfer: DVD and DVD case jacket are printed in black and white (no pictures).
    • Enhanced Graphics transfer: DVD and DVD case jacket will be printed in full color, with a picture scanned from the VHS case or a picture you supply. Alternatively, we can extract a picture from your video.
    • The quality of the DVD transfer is the same for both Simple Graphics and Enhanced Graphics. The difference is in the appearance of the DVD and DVD case jacket. The Enhanced Graphics transfer is really pretty
  • Add one more VCD to this DVD
    • You may add a second (even a third) Video CD to a DVD transfer.  They must fit the DVD length you selected.
    • Example #1: I have two 30-minute VCDs. I have selected the DVD length 60 minutes and "Add 1 more - total 2 VCDs". Great, that will work! We'll put both Video CDs on this 1-hour DVD.
    • Example #2: I have two 2-hour Video CDs. I have selected the DVD length 180 minutes and "Add 1 more - total 2 VCDs". Unfortunately that will not work. Two 2-hour VCDs (4 hours) will not fit on one 180-minute (3-hour) DVD. Two DVDs will be made, charges for two 120-minute transfers apply.
  • Data DVD - MP4, YouTube, AVI (standard definition)
    • MP4 Data DVD for editing is a high quality format used for Video Editing. Here are the specs: Format: MPEG-4 .mp4. Video codec: MPEG-4. Audio codec: AAC (Advanced Audio Coding).
    • Data File for YouTube is a custom made file produced specifically for upload on YouTube. If you have specific requirements (such as maximum file size or frame size) please enter them in the "Additional Information" box on the "Checkout" page.
    • AVI File - I include specs is a custom AVI video file made to your specs. Specs (frame size, data rate, etc.) must be entered in the "Additional Information" box on the "Checkout" page. If no specs entered, we will make high quality AVI at same frame size as original.
  • Format to make DVD (NTSC or PAL)
    • We can produce the DVD in NTSC format or in PAL format (if you will use the DVD in another country).


  • The DVD will contain exactly the same material as the VCD. We are not able to edit or transfer only portions of a VCD. VCDs are transferred in their entirety, DVDs are charged for length transferred.
  • Please only send VCDs in formats we support, and in working condition. If we set up to transfer a Video CD and it turns out the VCD is in the wrong format, produced incorrectly, damaged or unsuited for producing a DVD, we will not make a DVD. Instead, we will charge a "Setup Fee" plus return shipping and return the tape unprocessed.