A unit of level equal to ten times the logarithm of the ratio of two powers. Depending on the reference level used, the decibel symbol will be immediately followed by a letter, as: dBA – An “A” weighted decibel level. dBB – A “B” weighted decibel level. DBC – A “C” weighted decibel level. dBm – A decibel level in which Pb represents one milliwatt of power dissipated in a 600 ohm line. Pa must a also be measured in a 600 ohm line. DBV A decibel voltage level, in which the reference, Vb, is 1.0 volt. A reference of 0.775 volts is also frequently used.

"Hi. I received the cd on Friday, the 7 of Sept. It was postmarked the 29 of Aug. This is a standard time one wuld expect something to get to here from the States, since labour day was sandwiched in the shipping time. The package was not opened by customs and not inspected, and I was not assessed any duty or inspection (handling) charge, which ..."