How long will the transfer to DVD take?

Most orders are completed in about 1 week or less (at our studios). This is an average time, based on an average work-load. “About” gives us some latitude. If the order is very simple, it may take less time to complete. If during a certain week we receive a number of orders that is way above average, it will take longer to complete your order.

  • Large orders (such as 20 3-hour transfers to DVD) will take longer.
  • Complex orders (multiple video sources, extra menu items, multiple “enhanced graphics” transfers, etc.) will take longer.
  • Peak ordering times (October-January), weeks preceding Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and other holidays will lengthen our processing.
  • If your order is urgent and/or if this uncertainty is not acceptable, you may use one of our RUSH Services and get your project completed in 4 work days, 72 or 48 hours (time in our studios).