“Normal” turnaround time is about two to three weeks for audio transfers (at our studios). “Normal” turnaround time is an average. Like a busy Interstate, we have peak times, traffic jams and light traffic days. Just as on a highway it is not productive to get stressed out or to yell and scream when the traffic is heavy, it is not productive to get stressed out if an order is caught in traffic and is not completed in the “average” turnaround time. It is in everybody’s interest that each order is processed carefully. Phone or email inquiries about the status of an order clog the system and slow down everyone’s order. Our on-line Order Tracking System provides detailed information, is free and automatic. (Please note that the STUDIO PROCESSING phase is the longest, and occasionally orders spend what seems like a long time there) We kindly ask our customers to use the on-line Order Tracking System instead of calling for status updates. “Normal turnaround” too long? Use our RUSH Service for 1 week or 72 hours turnaround time.