Nothing (“pin stripe” or anything else) is added to the original signal by our equipment or processing. The presence of such lines is due to the fact that in the past NTSC television sets traditionally used to “underscan” (show on the TV screen a smaller portion of the recorded signal, not the entire screen). Thus many imperfections on the edges of the screen were masked. In fact some “scan lines” at the edge of the screen in the old Analog television system had special engineering purposes that indeed caused artifacts. These lines were never meant to be seen on television sets because of “underscanning”. Many of today’s television sets show every line and pixel of the NTSC recorded signal, all the way to the edges, which in many cases are imperfect (may contain “pin stripes”, flickering lines or other artifacts). In fact, such imperfections are often visible in commercially issued DVDs (with budgets thousands of times larger than our transfers). Because of these issues, newer and better TV sets (and DVD and Blu-Ray players) now have many screen settings, including settings that once again allow underscanning (which effectively eliminates this issue).