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"I JUST received the wonderful CD transfer of Frisco Joe's Good Time Boys "Barefoot Days" and "How Y'a Gonna Keep 'Em Down On The Farm", and I couldn't be MORE pleased! What an AMAZING job you folks did!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm already putting together my next order. How you got all that surface noise to disappear, I'll never know. It truly is like a ..."

Professional Audio Restoration

Our Professional Sound Restoration Service is open to businesses (release and distribution) as well as private individuals and collectors who require a higher level of service.

Suitable for further duplication and distribution

  • If the material is for duplication and distribution, the following two pre-requisite requirements must be met (for personal use, these requirements are waived):
  • Copyright clearance
    • If the material is copyrighted, we require a copy of the written permission from copyright owner authorizing the project;
    • If the material is in Public Domain, we require a written statement from the client indicating:
      1. That client has researched the copyright status of the material to be restored and has found that it is in Public Domain;
      2. That the client assumes all  responsibility for any disputes that may arise as to copyright issues.
  • Credit
    • We will require credit on the distributed material, regardless of the from of distribution (electronic or in physical form).  Something like: "Sound Restoration by CVC Productions 407-292-1151/800-778-9043".


SERVICES and PRICES for Professional Sound Restoration


  • There are five levels of Professional Sound Restoration (depending on the quality of the source recording) and two Sound ReMastering options.
  • Please specify SOUND RESTORATION and the Sound Restoration goals of the project. Upon listening, we will determine the Sound Restoration Level required for completing the job and submit our findings and an estimate.
  • The cost of a professional Sound Restoration (and optional Sound Remastering) job depends on:
    • The condition of the original material
    • The degree of sound improvement required.
  • There is a minimum of $300 per Professional Sound Restoration job.
  • The sound of the recordings is fully monitored for all Professional Sound Restoration services. For complicated restorations (and remastering) the sound will be monitored multiple times. 
    1. Sound Restoration Level 1
      • The quality of the source recording is very good, with minor noise reduction needed.
        • A typical source for this category is Magnetic Audio Tape (reel-to-reel tape) recorded in the studio or recorded live with studio equipment.
        • Digital recordings that need minor noise reduction would also fit this category.
      • Cost per minute: current price per minute
    2. Sound Restoration Level 2
      • The quality of the recording source is good. There are no impulse noises (clicks).
        • Typical sources for this category are Magnetic Audio Tape (reel-to-reel tape) recorded with consumer equipment or other forms of tape (cassette, audio from video tapes, etc.)
      • Cost per minute: current price per minute
    3. Sound Restoration Level 3
      • The quality of the recording source is good, but there are impulse noises (clicks) or there is audible hum.
      • There are audible clicks, but no scratches or crackle.
      • For tapes, there is audible hum, but no external continuous noises to filter out.
        • Typical sources for this category are LP's, microgroove 33rpm or 45rpm records, 12-inch singles or 45rpm extended play. Also, dubplates.
      • Cost per minute: current price per minute
    4. Sound Restoration Level 4
      • The quality of the recording source is bad. There are impulse noises, larger clicks and scratches, and possible continuous noises to filter out.
        • Typical sources for this category are 78rpm commercial records, 16 inch transcriptions, well-worn LP's, 45rpm's, 12-inch singles and dubplates, as well as tapes recorded with poor quality equipment.
      • Cost per minute: current price per minute
    5. Sound Restoration Level 5
      • The quality of the recording source is extremely bad. There are impulse noises, scratches, incorrect recording levels, possible continuous noises to filter out.
        • Typical sources in this condition are 78rpm lacquers and acetates, home-made-records. LP's played too many times or played with faulty needles, tapes recorded with poor or faulty equipment, tapes or records stored improperly.
      • Cost per minute: current price per minute
    • Sound Restoration Levels 1-5 above deal mainly with restoring the sound of the recording to the original sound produced by the original sound engineer and producer. Although we may compensate for gross sound imbalances, we do not re-engineer the sound recording.
    • If restoring the original sound of the recording is not sufficient and enhancing the original is required, please specify SOUND REMASTERING and the Sound Remastering goals of the project. Upon listening, we will determine the Sound Remastering Option required for completing the job and submit our findings and an estimate.
    1. Sound Remastering Option 1
      • Sound Remastering option 1 will enhance a  mediocre but otherwise clean sound.
      • Cost per minute: current price per minute   (added to Sound Restoration cost)
    2. Sound Remastering Option 2
      • Sound Remastering option 2 will attempt to enhance a faulty original recording.
      • Cost per minute: current price per minute   (added to Sound Restoration cost)


    • Please contact us with information about your project and copyright status. We will respond with an explanation of our service and possible costs.
    • After we receive the sound recordings we will determine the Sound Restoration Level (and optional Remastering Option). Based on length of recording we will issue an estimate.
    • Close to completion time we will send an invoice (to include return shipping cost). Payment is due at time of completion, prior to shipping of completed project.
    • We accept payment by Credit Card and Money Order. Finished project is shipped when funds clear.
    • We believe in the excellent quality of our product. We have thousands of clients form all continents (except Africa and Antarctica). Most of our clients who have recurring Sound Restoration projects are repeat customers, some have done dozens of projects with us.
    • All sales (Sound Restoration and optional Remastering) are final.
    • Any re-work and free additional work will be performed entirely at our discretion.
    • We may authorize re-work and free additional work (solely at our discretion) if we find that we have made a mistake or omission.
    • Remaining defects (or perceived defects) caused by the poor quality of the original recording(s) will not constitute a basis for re-work or free additional work. Such defects (or perceived defects), if it will be technically possible to provide an improvement, will be worked on at our studio rate of current rate per minute.
    • Our Credit Card transactions policies apply for Professional Restoration Services the same as for Consumer Services. Please see our complete list of Terms and Conditions.