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"I received my restored recording today and as always you did a fantastic job. This is the fourth album you have done for me over the past 10 years and they have always been excellent. What can I say….you are the best. thanks "

Quadraphonic Extra Tracks over 18 (first 18 tracks are free)

We include in the base price of our transfers the first 18 Quadraphonic tracks (25 tracks for Double LP Albums).

  • CD is cut into tracks by human beings who know where a new track should begin. We do not use automatic cutting into tracks. (Thrifty Transfers: CD has one track.).
  • Music recordings: each song gets 1 track (minimum unambiguous pause required). Continuous speech recordings: cut into logical segments, approx. 10- minute long tracks. 
  • For LP records: when cutting into tracks, we generally follow and try to match the BANDS that can be seen on the surface on the record. For tape recordings, we look for clear pauses between songs.


Some recordings are highly segmented and will result in more than 18 tracks per CD. We will be happy to cut into as many tracks as needed, but we charge for Extra Tracks over 18.

  • If you have a highly segmented recording (or a very long recording) that you know will result in more than 18 tracks and you DO NOT care for all those tracks, let us know (there is a space for Instructions on the Checkout page) and we will stop at 18 (so you do not incur extra charges). If you do not tell us to stop at 18 tracks, we will cut in tracks as needed and then apply the charges for Extra Tracks.



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