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"You converted an old LP to CD's for me recently. I'm very impressed with the quality of the cleaned up recording. It sounds amazingly like it did 45 yrs ago! Thank you so much! This was an LP with great sentimental value, so didn't want to take chances with it being damaged or lost somewhere in the process of being mailed or copied. Your ..."

Terms and Conditions


  • "I am aware that "all sales are final", "no unauthorized returns are accepted", "civility is required" and "disputes without merit carry penalties"."
  • "I have read the paragraph about the various types of damage to recordings (specifically, I have read about unplayable disks, off-center hole, skips, severe scratches, distortion, trade-offs, no pause between tracks, inferior quality recordings, perfection is not possible and not guaranteed, results commensurate with service selected) and I am aware of the limitations and trade-offs imposed by the process of restoration. I am aware that the 100% guarantee does not cover conditions listed above."
  • Old and Poor Quality Recordings: We ask our customers to use common sense in what to expect for final quality from old and poor quality recordings: if a recording is in horrible condition, the CD will NOT sound perfect. It will sound better than the original record, but better than "horrible" is "very bad"! It is better to have modest expectation that will be exceeded, than to have unrealistic expectations and be disappointed. Restoring recordings up to 100 year old that sat in the attic for the last 40 years is a gamble: the end result may be great, horrible, or somewhere in the middle.  We, as professionals, will tilt the odds in favor of "quality". However, we do not participate in the gamble.
  • Perceived Defects:  Every single CD and DVD we produce is thoroughly quality checked, by multiple methods. Because of our built-in error checking, it is nearly impossible for a defective CD or DVD to be shipped. Very infrequently we receive an inquiry that a CD or DVD we produced does not play correctly. In nearly all instances the problem is not with the CD or DVD we produced, but with the playback equipment of the client. Please be aware that when we authorize a return of a suspected defective CD or DVD if we subsequently find out that the returned CD or DVD was not defective, we will charge a "Setup Fee" at the current rate and return shipping cost for returning the CD or DVD. If a replacement CD or DVD was requested (and advanced by us) for an alleged defective CD or DVD, and after our examination it turns out that the CD or DVD was not defective, we will charge our current price for an Extra CD (or DVD) Copy plus return shipping, as calculated by our Order Form.
  • Forensic Restorations: Any poor quality material submitted for the purpose of boosting volume and improving intelligibility will be classified as a "Forensic Restoration". Intelligibility is a complex and subjective matter. Expectations should be directly proportional with quality of the material submitted: the lower the quality, the lower the expectations. Movies portray forensic feats inaccurately... Improving intelligibility of a poor recording is a gamble: intelligibility may significantly or marginally be improved.  We, as professionals, will tilt the odds in favor of "quality". However, we do not participate in the gamble, we do not make any representations or provide warranties. Forensic Restorations are "final".

Copyright statement and release

  • "I requested only one (1) copy of any recording that has a copyright owner other than myself."
  • "The original recording, as well as the copy, are for my own use."
  • "If I requested multiple copies, I am the copyright owner or the work is in public domain."
  • This Order Form is ONLY for consumers; the CD's ordered are to be used ONLY for personal and non-commercial use.  CVC Productions specifically prohibits the use of this service for the purpose of duplicating, distribution or re-distribution, publishing, broadcasting, netcasting or any other form of digital or analog copying and distribution.
  • "I evaluated the different shipping options offered and selected the shipping method that best meets my criteria.  I hold CVC Productions harmless for recordings damaged or lost in transit."
  • Although our order form estimates return shipping costs accurately, some packages are heavier, larger or lighter than anticipated. We will make necessary shipping cost adjustments.
  • Please ensure that shipping address provided is acceptable for service selected. Providing a non-valid delivery address may cause delays or non-delivery, for which we are not responsible. Halting processing to contact customer for address correction will incur an admin fee at the current rate.
Orders and Payment
  • Some recordings run longer than anticipated or have defects that need additional processing. Or the order was placed incorrectly. We will make necessary adjustments and charge the correct amounts, per our published rates.
  • Please only send orders with payment.  Please do not send orders without payment or with the annotation "call me for payment".  Although we appreciate all orders we receive, orders that commit us to making phone calls or writing emails/letters require additional resources and will be charged an admin fee for collecting payment info.
  • It is the client's responsibility to make sure we can process the charge up to day of order completion. If processing or returning has to be deferred due to card non-approval, an admin fee at the current rate will be added to the total.
  • The credit card charge for orders will be from CVC Productions. If you order form us, please inform others that have access to your account that you have made this charge. Please let them know that the charge from CVC Productions is for an audio/video transfer, which you have ordered from us. Chargebacks initiated by customers, their spouses or others with access to their account in error, because they did not recognize the CVC Productions charge, will be reversed. This is a costly process and it will result in an admin fee at the current rate that will be charged to the customer.
  • Please do not send orders with the annotation "call me to discuss...".  Although we appreciate all orders we receive, orders that commit us to making phone calls or writing emails/letters require additional resources and will be charged an admin fee at the current rate (for collecting instructions).  If you have special issues or concerns it is best to contact us (by email or phone) and clarify your issues or concerns before sending in the order.
  • Tapes (audio and video and in general, recordings in any format) are transferred in their entirety. If a tape (of any format) is longer than you selected, we will transfer (and charge) for the entire recording. Please do not submit recordings for processing if you are not prepared to pay for processing cost of the entire recording.
  • "Normal" turnaround time is about two to three weeks for audio transfers and about one week for video transfers (at our studios). "Normal" turnaround time is an average. Like a busy Interstate, we have peak times, traffic jams and light traffic days. Just as on a highway it is not productive to get stressed out or to yell and scream when the traffic is heavy, it is not productive to get stressed out if an order is caught in traffic and is not completed in the "average" turnaround time. It is in everybody's interest that each order is processed carefully. Phone or email inquiries about the status of an order clog the system and slow down everyone's order. Our on-line Order Tracking System provides detailed information, is free and automatic. (Please note that the STUDIO PROCESSING phase is the longest, and occasionally orders spend what seems like a long time there) We kindly ask our customers to use the on-line Order Tracking System instead of calling for status updates. "Normal turnaround" too long? Use our RUSH Service for 1 week or 72 hours turnaround time.
  • Occasionally our studio is booked in advance with work commitments .  In such cases, notices are clearly and conspicuously displayed on our web site and our typical quoted turnaround times will NOT apply. During such periods orders are placed with the clear understanding that processing will be performed with the announced delays. 
Quadraphonic (Quad) Conversions
  • Our Quad CDs are recorded in a digital format that MUST be played back in a system equipped with DTS or Dolby Digital conversion. Playing back our Quad CDs in a boombox or other player NOT equipped with DTS or Dolby Digital decoding will only produce a very loud (and annoying) hiss. We will NOT be able to issue a refund (and/or a dispute will not be successful) if an order is placed for a Quadraphonic CD by mistake and the person ordering does not have the proper equipment for correct playback.
  • Although we are happy to convert Quadraphonic LPs to CD for your listening enjoynment, we are NOT representing that the CD conversions we produce are "perfect" and free of quadraphonic encoding artifacts. Quadraphonic artifacts, if present, are not fixable. We will NOT be able to issue a refund (and/or a dispute will not be successful) arrising from issues of 1970s quadraphonic encoding quality.
Rush Service
  • Rush Services may not be available at all times. We reserve the right to offer rush services at the times when we know we can fulfill rush orders. We will not offer rush services at times when we are overcommitted and we can not be sure that we will be able to honor our promise.
  • Orders that include Rush Services must be received at our studios within maximum 7 business days after order was placed. Please ship your materials for rush orders quickly, using a fast delivery service, such that your materials will reach us within maximum 7 business days. Orders that include Rush Services received at our studios more than 7 business days after order was placed, may, at our discretion, have the Rush Services (and fees) removed from the order, to be processed at regular turnaround.
  • If you are ordering a rush service and you have a hard deadline we urge you to contact us before you ship your recordings to us in order to get our OK. Remember to allow for transit time TO our studio and FROM our studio back to you. The time counter on the rush order starts when we check-in the order into our system.
  • If the check-out due day is a National Holiday, the order will be checked-out on the following work day (a day that is NOT a National Holiday).
  • Although we will check out the order on the due day during normal business hours, it is possible that carrier pickup time has been exceeded. In that case the order will ship on the next business day, at the next carrier pickup.
  • Our Rush Services concern our in studio processing time, from the time an order is checked-in into our system to the time the order is checked-out of our system. Any delays caused by the delivery services (USPS, UPS, FedEx courier service, corporate mailroom, apartment or condo office, botched pickup or delivery, etc.) are outside our control and outside the scope of our service.
  • We will make all efforts to deliver exactly as stated above. There are situations that may delay processing:
    • If processing was delayed because of the client (order had problems, client did not respond to email or phone, credit card was declined,  etc.) we will charge the full Rush Service that was ordered and we will complete and ship the order as soon as the client responds or corrects the payment problem.  Specifically, we will not refund the Rush Service ordered, base price of the order (or any portion), shipping charges, etc.  When ordering a Rush Service, it is the client's responsibility to provide us with instant communication access: a phone number that is answered and/or email address that is monitored and replied within 1-2 hours.
    • If processing was delayed because of events such as power outage, internet outage, equipment failure, storm, personnel sickness, etc. we will delete the Rush Service portion of the order and process the order as a regular order. We will not charge for Rush Service. In any event, and for any reason of non-performance of a Rush Service, our liability is limited to the value of the Rush Service not performed (we will simply not charge for the Rush Service). We do not assume any liability beyond the value of the Rush Service. Specifically, we will not refund the base price of the order (or any portion), shipping charges or accept any consequential liabilities. If this is not acceptable, please do not order a Rush Service. Ordering a Rush Service assumes full understanding of, acceptance and compliance with our policies.
Additional Restoration Versions
  • A maximum of 3 (three) Restoration Versions may be ordered for any one recording (including the original Sound Restoration).
  • Restoration Versions may be ordered at the time when the original recording is submitted or, for an order we have already processed, up to 60 days from the date when your original order was shipped back.
  • If the Restoration Version is ordered after client received original back, it is NOT necessary to ship back to us the original recording. We keep the computer project files for 60 days. Restoration Versions must be ordered within 60 days. On the 61st day after shipping date the files are deleted. After that time, the original recording must be resubmitted as a new Transfer with Sound Restoration order.
  • Restoration Versions are ordered subject to our approval. If we feel that another version can not be produced in accordance with your instructions (example: you are ordering "more noise reduction", and we know that we have already applied the maximum amount of noise reduction that will not create distortions), after we analyze the recording, we will email and tell you that we will not be able to produce another Restoration Version (and we will explain why).
  • Restoration Versions are available for restorations from limited formats. 
  • Restoration Versions are offered on an AS IS basis.  We do not make any guarantee that an ordered Restoration Version will be better than the first restoration (or that it will be perfect). We will make every effort to produce a different version, as close as we can to your direction without producing distortions, but we make no guarantees of any kind. This option is offered as an accommodation, not as a source of arguments, disputes and requests for free rework. The Restoration Versions produced are final, and not subject to disputes, arguments and requests for free rework. If this is not acceptable, please do not order Restoration Versions. Ordering Restoration Versions assumes full understanding of, acceptance and compliance with our terms and conditions.
Professional Audio Restoration
  • Please contact us with information about your project and copyright status. We will respond with an explanation of our service and possible costs. 
  • After we receive the sound recordings we will determine the Sound Restoration Level (and optional Remastering Option). Based on length of recording we will issue an estimate. 
  • Close to completion time we will send an invoice (to include return shipping cost). Payment is due at time of completion, prior to shipping of completed project. 
  • We accept payment by Credit Card and Money Order. Finished project is shipped when funds clear. 
  • We believe in the excellent quality of our product. We have thousands of clients form all continents (except Africa and Antarctica). Most of our clients who have recurring Sound Restoration projects are repeat customers, some have done dozens of projects with us. 
  • All sales (Sound Restoration and optional Remastering) are final. 
  • Any re-work and free additional work will be performed entirely at our discretion. 
  • We may authorize re-work and free additional work (solely at our discretion) if we find that we have made a mistake or omission. 
  • Remaining defects (or perceived defects) caused by the poor quality of the original recording(s) will not constitute a basis for re-work or free additional work. Such defects (or perceived defects), if it will be technically possible to provide an improvement, will be worked on at our current studio rate per minute
  • Our Credit Card transactions policies apply for Professional Restoration Services the same as for Consumer Services. Please see above Orders and Payment.

Tape Baking

  • We will perform "Tape Baking" only IF STRICTLY NECESSARY (because the tape is already deteriorated and can not be played otherwise) in order to get the transfer done.
  • In any and all cases, we shall be held completely harmless for situation in which Tape Baking is not effective in salvaging an already defective tape. We will charge for work performed and return the tape. If you prefer that we do not perform "Tape Baking", you must provide clear written instructions in the "Additional Information" box of the Checkout page (such as NO TAPE BAKING PLEASE). Placing the order confirms acceptance of our terms and releases us of any liability.
  • "Baking" a tape is a process that may weaken the tape or the ferric oxide binding.  Please note that we will NOT ACCEPT to work on a tape that was previously "baked".  If your tape was previously "baked", please DO NOT place the order and DO NOT send the tape to us for processing. If a tape that was previously "baked" by the customer or by others is sent to us for processing, we reserve the right to return the tape unprocessed and charge a "setup fee" and "return shipping".  Even if we do attempt to perform a transfer, we will not be held responsible for any defect of tape or transfer, breakage of tape or loss of ferric oxide that the tape may exhibit and we will not refund charges for work performed or reprocess any such tape.

Wire Recordings

  • We ask our customers to be aware that, due to the condition of the wire (such as wire that is twisted or has many "knots") the wire may become hopelessly entangled on our wire playback machine. This is a VERY unlikely scenario (it happens only about once every 5 years or so). It is more likely to happen after we have recorded everything on the computer, at rewind (the wire plays through twists and knots at slow playback speed, but "jumps" upon fast rewind). If the "hopeless entanglement" happens after we have recorded to computer, no audio information will be lost and everything will be transferred to CD. In any such case we will not be held accountable for wire entanglements as this is due to the condition of the wire. Please do not submit wires if you are not willing to take this chance.  
Gift Certificates
  • Gift certificates are non-refundable and non-redeemable for cash. They can only be used for ordering audio and video transfer services we offer at time of redemption on web site where gift certificate was issued.
  • Although gift certificates do not expire, we do not guarantee that any specific transfer service (or even us, as a company) will be offered ad infinitum. The absence of a specific service, web site (or even us, as a company) can not be invoked for a refund or cash redemption request.