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"I just heard my father's voice 11 years after he passed away. I cannot express my joy enough. He read poems that he wrote and sang his favorite hymn. Your restoration and transfer of an old 8-track made that possible. Thank you is not enough."

Do you have old audio recordings? Here are some formats: vinyl LPs, 78 RPM records, cassettes, 8-tracks, reel-to-reel tapes, wire recordings. Give them a new life! Use our audio transfer to CD service.

We are dedicated to the effort of restoring and preserving precious sound recordings. Listen to examples of the music we have restored on our Audio Restoration Examples page.

We transfer and restore your precious recordings to CDs (and optional MP3). We work on most formats, such as:
- LP albums (also known by some as 33s or vinyl), 78s (78rpm records) and 45s
- Home-made-records
- 8-tracks, Cassettes and Reel-to-reel tapes
- Wire recordings (and more)

And now a quick plug for our new service
Video-Enhancement-Restoration-Upscale to 4K UHD

CDs will last a lifetime:
- They do not wear with repeated play
- Do not warp or crack

We drastically improve the sound of your original recording (LP, 78 or tape recording) and remaster to CD Sound.
- How? Using digital technologies previously not available, powerful studio equipment and experience of the highest caliber.

Noises, such as:
- Crackles and hiss
- Pops and scratches
- Signs of aging or heavy use
- LP vinyl noise, 78rpm shellac noise and tape hum
will all be miraculously gone, replaced by pure music, in true CD quality.
All at a price point that anyone can afford
- Our pricing structure makes it possible for the first time ever to restore and put on CD one unique recording or your entire collection.

Collectors of records and 8-tracks love us:
-Now they can actually listen to their recordings, enjoy the music, and play it for others digitally on CDs or MP3, without fear of degrading the quality of their collection!
Our customers are REALLY happy with us, and loyal.
-Practically all are repeat customers, and they do a wonderful job spreading the word about us.

In summary: We perform
- digital cleaning, audio restoration
- remastering, transfer to CD (and optional MP3)
of original recordings in most formats:
- LPs (33rpm, vinyl), 45rpm and 78rpm (commercial or home-made-records)
- Cassettes, Reel-to-reel, 8-track tape and Wire Recordings
and transfer the cleaned-up remastered recording to crystal clear audio CD (and optional MP3).

You may order a Video Enhancement/Restoration/Upscale to 4K UHD for the following formats: